Models I use, and my custom codes and package

Table of Contents

Models I use 🔄

1D-STEP-GENDEC-CN simulates in Sahelian herbaceous savannas the water, C and N cycling between the atmosphere, vegetation, and soil

2D-STEP-GENDEC-CN is the spatialized version of 1D-STEP-GENDEC-CN

DynACof: The Dynamic Agroforestry Coffee Crop Model, is a generic tree-growth model

STICS: Simulateur mulTIdisciplinaire pour les Cultures Standard (Multidisciplinary simulator for standard crops)

Castanea-Maespa is a coupled model that simulates carbon, water and energy balances of a monospecific forest stand.

R package I developed 📊

rstep is a workflow package that I developed to perform STEP-GENDEC-CN model simulations within the RStudio environment

My scripts 📄

Codes [data extraction, processing and mapping in] "Modelling CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in silvopastoral systems of the West African Sahelian band (Agbohessou et al. 2024)"

Codes [plots, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in] "To what extent are greenhouse-gas emissions offset by trees in a Sahelian silvopastoral system? (Agbohessou et al. 2023)"

Codes [plots in] "Nitrogen budget and critical load determination at a Sahelian grazed grassland site (Delon et al. 2022)"